Walk in Boston, 18 unusual self-guided toursThe map shows you approximatively where you can go in the city; each walk has a number.
Once you know which place you want to explore or if you want to know what there is to see in each place, find the walk by looking on the right of the screen (if you are using a computer) or at the bottom of the page (if you are using a phone or tablet). You will then have a short description of it with the name of its neighborhood and much more if you follow the link. You can also see the Home page to have more general information about these walks, to know how to contact their author and how to learn something about him. On the Boston page, you will have an introduction to the city, information on its weather, its public transport and some of its specialties. A few comments about these walks:
Good to know: If you purchase all 18 self-guided tours for a reduced price, it will also be a good travel book and/or an original gift. If you take walks 8, 10, 13, 14, also for a special price, they will allow you to explore most of Boston in a few days if it is your first visit to the city (and you can add a walk along The Freedom Trail to complete your discovery). If you want only loop tours -useful if you park a car along the way, here is their list.
Go quickly to:
Walk in Boston # 1, the forgotten West End Walk in Boston # 2, the other North End Walk in Boston # 3, the old and new East Boston Walk in Boston # 4, sculpture, art and architecture at MIT Walk in Boston # 5, the historic Charlestown Walk in Boston # 6, Castle Island at South Boston Walk in Boston # 7, along the Dorchester Bay Walk in Boston # 8, the trendy Fort Point & Seaport Districts Walk in Boston # 9, the Chinatown, Downtown and Financial Districts Walk in Boston # 10, charming Beacon Hill Walk in Boston # 11, Beacon Hill and the surrounding parks Walk in Boston # 12, luxurious Back-Bay Walk in Boston # 13, shopping and culture in Back-Bay Walk in Boston # 14, the touristic Waterfront & the Greenway Walk in Boston # 15, discover the South End Walk in Boston # 16, from Symphony to Brigham Circle Walk in Boston # 17, from Brigham Circle to West Fenway Walk in Boston # 18, Harvard University and its surroundings Back to the map |